Sunday, May 13, 2012

Pants to Pillows

Nearly everyone in the 70s found uses for old jeans, from pot holders to purses. If you have a pile of old jeans with holes in the knees, and some old pool noodles or a foam futon that has seen better days, give them an old twist: turn them into no-sew pillows. You can make several of these pillows in minutes.

Photo by Jack V. Sage, May 13, 2012

1. Cut the legs off a pair of old jeans, as close to the crotch as possible.

2. Cut the hemmed portion of the jeans as close to the seam as possible and open it to make a tie.

3. Cut the foam or pool noodles into 2-foot lengths. Cut the jeans legs one foot longer than the foam.

4. Slide the foam into the jeans leg, leaving 4 to 6 inches of fabric at each end for gathering.

5. Pinch the fabric at one end of the jeans leg together. Tie the pinched fabric as close to the foam as possible, and pull tight. Repeat for the other end of the pillow.

6. Pull the fabric out to resemble a rose at each end of the pillow.

Photo by Jack V. Sage, May 13, 2012

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